Danh mục sản phẩm
PIN AA, AAA, C, D - PIN THÔNG DỤNG 1.5V, 3V, 6V, 9V, 12V Pin AA, Pin tiểu AA, Pin 2A, Pin E91,LR6,MN1500,R6,SUM3,AM3
Pin AAA, Pin đũa AAA, Pin LR03, E92, MN2400, R03, AM4, SUM4..
Pin trung C, Pin LR14, MN1400, E93, R14, UM2, SUM2, AM2,..
Pin đại D, Pin LR20, MN1300, E95, R20, SUM1, AM1, UM1,..
Pin 9V, Pin vuông 9V, Pin 6LR61,MN1604,522, 6F22, 1604S..
Pin AAAA,Pin 4A,Pin E96,LR8D425
Pin 6V, Pin 4LR44, A544, PX28A
Pin 6V, Pin Lantern 4R25, EN529
Pin 12v _Pin A23 23AE MN23 DL23
Pin 12v _Pin A27 27AE MN27 DL27
Pin A32, Pin 10A L1022F, Pin 11A
Pin E90, R1, LR1, Pin N, SUM5,..
PIN CR123A, CR17345, BR17345
PIN CR2, CR15H270 lithium 3v
PIN 2CR5, CR-P2, CR-V3,..
Pin 4.5v -Pin J539, 3LR12, 4LR61,..
Pin Nội địa Nhật-Mỹ 1.5v-3v-6v PIN SẠC AA,AAA,C,D,9V NiMh-NiCd Pin sạc AA, Pin sạc AA HR6 1,2v
Pin sạc AAA, Pin sạc HR03 1,2v
Pin sạc C, Pin sạc trung 1,2v HR14
Pin sạc D, Pin sạc đại 1,2v HR20
Pin sạc 9V-NH22,6F22,6HR61
Pin sạc CR123A, CR2, CR-V3
Pin sạc Nội địa Nhật (Japan) BỘ SẠC PIN - CHƯA KÈM PIN Máy sạc pin AA,AAA,C,D,9v
Máy sạc pin AA, AAA
Máy sạc pin C, D, 9V
Máy Sạc pin 18650, 26650,14500
Máy sạc Pin CR2,CR123A,16340
Máy sạc Pin ĐỒNG XU
Máy sạc 6,8,10, 12, 20, 40 Pin
Máy sạc Nhanh, Sạc Tự ngắt điện
Máy sạc PIN có màn hình LCD
Máy Sạc & ĐO Dung lượng Pin
Máy sạc Pin có cổng USB
Máy SẠC & có chức năng XẢ PIN
Sạc pin Khối, Sạc pin Máy khoan
CÁP-Cốc sạc-Adaptor sạc di động
Cốc sạc-Củ sạc trên Ôtô BỘ SẠC PIN KÈM SẲN 2,4,8 PIN Bộ sạc PIN kèm 2 pin sạc AAA (3A)
Bộ sạc PIN kèm 2 pin Sạc AA (2A)
Bộ sạc PIN kèm 4 pin Sạc AA (2A)
Bộ sạc PIN kèm 4 pin Sạc AAA (3A)
Bộ sạc PIN kèm 6,8 pin AA,AAA
Bộ sạc PIN kèm 1-2 pin Sạc 9V
Bộ sạc PIN kèm sẳn 2 Pin sạc D
Bộ sạc PIN kèm sẳn 2 Pin sạc C
Bộ sạc PIN kèm sẳn 4 Pin sạc C
Bộ sạc PIN kèm sẳn 4 Pin sạc D
Bộ sạc PIN nhanh 2,4,6,8 giờ
Bộ sạc PIN có chức năng Xả Pin
Bộ sạc PIN màn hình LCD _kèm pin
Bộ sạc đo Dung lượng _kèm pin
Bộ sạc PIN cổng USB _kèm Pin
Bộ sạc Pin Máy ảnh và Camera
Bộ sạc Pin 18650 (Kèm 1,2,3,4,8 pin) ĐO Volts(V), NỘI TRỞ mΩ, mAh Pin Dụng cụ Test tình Trạng Pin
Máy Đo Điện thế (V) và Nội trở mΩ
Máy Test DUNG LƯỢNG pin mAh
Bộ kích bình Ôtô, Bơm Ôtô
Tua-vít Đa năng để tự Thay Pin PIN NUÔI NGUỒN PLC-CNC-SERVO Pin sạc NiMh nuôi nguồn PLC
Pin nguồn chịu nhiệt cao 125°C
Pin nuôi nguồn PLC trục thép 2 đầu
Pin nuôi nguồn PLC 2viên ghép bộ
Pin nuôi nguồn PLC 3viên ghép bộ
Pin nuôi nguồn PLC 4viên ghép bộ
Pin nuôi nguồn PLC Alkaline 1.5v
Pin nuôi nguồn PLC Lithium 3V
Pin nuôi nguồn PLC Lithium 3.6v
Pin nuôi nguồn Super Pulse 3.9v
Pin nuôi nguồn CNC Lithium 6v
Pin nuôi nguồn PLC Lithium 7.2v
Pin nuôi nguồn PLC Lithium 9v
Pin nuôi nguồn PLC Lithium 10.8v
Pin nuôi nguồn 1/2AA 3.6v
Pin nuôi nguồn AA 3.6v
Pin nuôi nguồn SAFT
Pin nuôi nguồn TADIRAN
Pin nuôi nguồn TOSHIBA
Pin nuôi nguồn PANASONIC
Pin nuôi nguồn MAXELL
Pin nuôi nguồn MITSUBISHI
Pin nuôi nguồn SANYO
Pin nuôi nguồn OMRON PLC
Pin nuôi nguồn DKSLL
Pin nuôi nguồn ALLEN Bradley
Pin nuôi nguồn FANUC/GE Fanuc
Pin nuôi nguồn TEKCELL
Pin nuôi nguồn FUJI
Pin nuôi nguồn FDK
Pin nuôi nguồn VARTA
Pin nuôi nguồn SUNMOON
Pin nuôi nguồn SONNECELL
Pin nuôi nguồn EVE
Pin nuôi nguồn FANSO
Pin nuôi nguồn LISUN
Pin lập trình KTS DELTA
Pin nuôi nguồn RAMWAY
Pin nuôi nguồn XENO
Pin nuôi nguồn EEMB
Pin nuôi nguồn MYJ
Pin nuôi nguồn FORTE
Pin nuôi nguồn KTS
Pin nuôi nguồn YASKAWA Robots
Pin nuôi nguồn SIEMENS PLC
Pin nuôi nguồn ABB ROBOTS
Pin nuôi nguồn KAWASAKI
Pin nuôi nguồn MATSUSHITA
Pin nuôi nguồn YAMAHA
Pin nuôi nguồn DENSO Modicon
Pin nuôi nguồn SCHNEIDER
Pin nuôi nguồn TOYO, Toyoda
Pin nuôi nguồn EPSON
Pin nuôi nguồn YOKOGAWA
Pin nuôi nguồn KOYO
Pin nuôi nguồn OKUMA
Pin nuôi nguồn KEYENCE
Pin thước kẹp MITUTOYO
Pin nuôi nguồn HEIDELBERG
Pin máy ép phun SUMITOMO
Pin nuôi nguồn NACHI Robotics
Pin Đồng hồ đo ÁP SUẤT lốp xe
Pin nuôi nguồn HITACHI
Pin nuôi nguồn HoneyWell
Pin nuôi nguồn HCB
Pin Vòi Rửa TOTO, Pin LAVABO
Pin thiết bị hẹn giờ TIMER
Pin nguồn TEXAS Instruments
Pin đầu dò MÁY PHAY
Pin cánh tay ROBOT
Pin hàng Hải, Pin JOTRON
Pin máy Đếm Lượt Người
Pin nuôi nguồn THANG MÁY
Pin nuôi nguồn ER14250
Pin nuôi nguồn LS14250
Pin nuôi nguồn SB-AA02
Pin nuôi nguồn XLP-050F, XL-050F
Pin nuôi nguồn ER3V
Pin nuôi nguồn ER3
Pin nuôi nguồn TL-5902, TLH-5902
Pin nuôi nguồn SL-350
Pin nuôi nguồn SL-550
Pin nuôi nguồn SL-750
Pin nuôi nguồn TL-2150, TL-5151
Pin nuôi nguồn CR14250, CR1/2AA
Pin nuôi nguồn BR-1/2AA, CR1/2 6.L
Pin nuôi nguồn CP1W, CJ1W, CS1W
Pin nuôi nguồn C500-BAT, C200H
Pin nuôi nguồn TL-5955, TLH-5955
Pin nuôi nguồn ER14335, ER4V
Pin nguồn SL-361,SL-761,SL-561
Pin nuôi nguồn CR14335, CR2/3AA
Pin nuôi nguồn A6BAT, MR-BAT
Pin nguồn Q6BAT,Q7BAT,GT-15BAT
Pin nuôi nguồn ER17330V, LS17330
Pin nguồn MR-J3BAT, MR-BAT6V1
Pin nuôi nguồn ER17/33, ER17335
Pin nuôi nguồn CR2/3 8.L, CR2/3 6.L
Pin nuôi nguồn CR17335
Pin nuôi nguồn CR17335A
Pin nuôi nguồn CR17335SE
Pin nuôi nguồn CR17335SE-R
Pin nuôi nguồn BR-2/3A, BR-2/3AG
Pin nuôi nguồn BR-2/3AGCT4A
Pin nuôi nguồn CR14505, CR14500
Pin nuôi nguồn ER14505, ER14500
Pin nuôi nguồn LS14500
Pin nuôi nguồn SB-AA11
Pin nuôi nguồn XLP-060F, XL-060F
Pin nguồn S7-400, S7-300, S7-200
Pin nuôi nguồn TL-5903, TLH-5903,
Pin nuôi nguồn SL-360
Pin nuôi nguồn SL-560, SL-760
Pin nuôi nguồn ER6V
Pin nuôi nguồn ER6VCT, ER6VC3N
Pin nuôi nguồn ER6C, ER6B, ER6
Pin nguồn ER6VC119A, ER6VC119B
Pin nuôi nguồn F2-40BL, FX2N
Pin nuôi nguồn CR8.LHC
Pin nguồn CR17450, CR17450E
Pin nuôi nguồn CR17450SE
Pin nuôi nguồn CR17450SE-R
Pin nuôi nguồn ER17500V
Pin nuôi nguồn ER17/50, 2ER17/50
Pin nuôi nguồn ER17505
Pin nuôi nguồn LS17500, SB-A01
Pin nuôi nguồn BR-A
Pin nuôi nguồn BR-AG
Pin nuôi nguồn BR-AGCF2W
Pin nuôi nguồn ER18505, 2ER18505
Pin nuôi nguồn ER18/50, 2ER18/50
Pin nuôi nguồn CR18505
Pin nuôi nguồn ER10/28, ER10280
Pin nuôi nguồn CR12600SE
Pin nuôi nguồn ER10450, CR1/3N
Pin nuôi nguồn ER26500
Pin nuôi nguồn LSH14, LS26500
Pin nuôi nguồn SB-C02
Pin nuôi nguồn SL-770, SL-2770
Pin nuôi nguồn BR-C, CR23500SE
Pin nuôi nguồn BR-CCF2TH
Pin nuôi nguồn TL-5920, TL-4920
Pin nuôi nguồn DX34615
Pin nuôi nguồn CR34615
Pin nuôi nguồn ER34615
Pin nuôi nguồn LS33600, LSH20
Pin nuôi nguồn SL-780, SL-2780
Pin nuôi nguồn TL-5930, TL-4930
Pin nuôi nguồn SB-D02, XL-205F PIN 3V LITHIUM, PIN CMOS Pin CR2032, CR2032H, DL2032
Pin BR2032, CR2032A, CR2020
Pin CR2025, Pin cmos CR2025
Pin CR2016, Pin Cmos CR2016
Pin CR1220, Pin 3v CR1220
Pin CR1620, Pin 3v CR1620
Pin CR1616, Pin 3v CR1616
Pin CR1632, BR1632A, LIR1632
Pin CR2430; Pin 3v CR2430
Pin CR2450, CR2450N, BR2450A
Pin CR2450HR, Pin CR2050HR
Pin CR2477, Pin BR2477A
Pin CR1225, BR1225, BR1225A
Pin BR2325, CR2325, CR2354
Pin BR2330, Pin CR2330
Pin BR2335, Pin CR2335
Pin CR2320, Pin BR2320
Pin CR2050, CR2020
Pin CR1216, CR1025, CR1612
Pin VL3032, CR3032, BR3032
Pin CR2412, Pin CR2012
Pin VL2020, Pin ML2020
Pin ML1220, VL1220, ML1225
Pin ML2032, ML2016, ML2025
Pin ML2430,Pin VL2330,VL2320
Pin LIR2032, LIR2025, LIR2016
Pin LIR1632, LIR1220, LIR1620
Pin LIR2450, LIR2430, LIR2477
Pin ML414H, Pin ML614S
Pin CMOS CPU-Laptop thông dụng PIN CÚC ÁO 1.5V ALKALINE Pin LR44, AG13, A76, LR1154
Pin SR44SW, SR44W, 357, 303
Pin AG10,LR1130,LR54,LR1131F
Pin SR1130SW,SR1130W,390,389
Pin AG3, LR41, L736F, 192
Pin SR41SW, SR41W, 392/384
Pin LR1120,AG8,LR55,LR1121F
Pin SR1120SW,SR1120W,391,381
Pin LR43, AG12, LR1142F, 186
Pin SR43SW, SR43W, 386/301
Pin AG1, L621F, LR60
Pin AG4, L626F, LR66, 376
Pin AG5,LR754,LR48,193,393
Pin AG6, L921F, LR69
Pin EPX625, L1560F, LR9
Dịch vụ Thay Pin Máy tính các loại PIN ĐỒNG HỒ 1,55V Silver Oxide Pin SẠC đồng hồ ECO DRIVE
Pin sạc SOLAR đồng hồ Citizen
Pin sạc SOLAR đồng hồ CASIO
Pin sạc SOLAR đồng hồ SEIKO
Pin sạc đồng hồ SOLAR KINETIC
Pin MT920,ML920,MS920,CTL920
Pin MT621,ML621,MS621,CTL621
Pin MT616F, MT516F, MT416F
Pin CTL1025, CTL1616F, MT1620
Pin CLB3032, MS614L, ML414
Pin Đồng hồ Treo Tường,Báo thức
Pin đồng hồ 1.55v-3V hiệu SEIKO
Pin đồng hồ 1,55v ENERGIZER
Pin đồng hồ 1,55v PANASONIC
Pin đồng hồ 1,55v hiệu MURATA
Pin đồng hồ 1,55v hiệu MAXELL
Pin đồng hồ 1,55v hiệu RENATA
Pin đồng hồ 1,55v hiệu SEIZAIKEN
Pin đồng hồ 1,55v hiệu SONY
Pin đồng hồ 1,55v hiệu CAMELION
Pin đồng hồ 1,55v hiệu VINNIC
Pin đồng hồ 1,55v hiệu DOMSEM
Pin SR416SW - Pin đồng hồ 337
Pin SR512SW - Pin đồng hồ 335
Pin SR516SW - Pin đồng hồ 317
Pin SR527SW - Pin đồng hồ 319
Pin SR521SW - Pin đồng hồ 379
Pin SR616SW - Pin đồng hồ 321
Pin SR621SW - Pin đồng hồ 364
Pin SR626SW - Pin đồng hồ 377
Pin SR712SW - Pin đồng hồ 346
Pin SR714SW - Pin đồng hồ 341
Pin SR716SW - Pin đồng hồ 315
Pin SR721SW - Pin đồng hồ 362
Pin SR726SW - Pin đồng hồ 397
Pin SR731SW - Pin đồng hồ 329
Pin SR916SW - Pin đồng hồ 373
Pin SR920SW - Pin đồng hồ 371
Pin SR927SW - Pin đồng hồ 395
Pin SR936SW - Pin đồng hồ 394
Pin SR1120SW - Pin 391, Pin 381
Pin SR1130SW - Pin 390, Pin 389
Pin SR1116SW - Pin 365, Pin 366
Pin SR43SW - Pin 386, Pin 301
Pin SR41SW - Pin 384, Pin 392
Pin SR44SW - Pin 357, Pin 303
Dịch vụ Thay Pin Đồng hồ đeo tay PIN SẠC LITHIUM LI-ION 18650 Pin sạc thân Pin có cổng sạc USB
Pin sạc 3.7v 18650, Pin INR18650
Pin sạc 3.7v ICR18500, IMR18350
Pin sạc 3.7v 17500, 16500, 16650
Pin sạc 3.7v 14500, 14430, 14650
Pin sạc 3.7v 10440, ICR10440
Pin sạc 3v-3.7v ICR123A, 16340
Pin sạc 3v-3.7v ICR2, CR14250
Pin sạc 3.7v 21700, Pin 21700
Pin sạc 3.7v 20650, Pin 26800
Pin sạc 3.7v 26650, Pin 26650
Pin LifeP04 18650, LifeP04 26650
Pin LifeP04 32140, 32650, 32700
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v hiệu EVE
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v NITECORE
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v DMEGC
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v SAMSUNG
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v SANYO
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v PANASONIC
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v TESLA
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v VAPECELL
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v SONY
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v hiệu LG
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v MOLICELL
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v hiệu WƯKKOS
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v hiệu CYLAID
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v LiiTOKALA
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v hiệu LISEN
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v hiệu WASING
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v DOUBLEPOW
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v CAMELION
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v ULTRAFIRE
Pin sạc 18650 3.7v SOFIRN, SS
Pin sạc 3.7v 18650 (có DÂY cắm)
Pin sạc Lithium 7.4v (Li-ion)
Pin sạc Lithium 11.1v (Li-ion)
Pin sạc Lithium 14.4v (14.8v)
Pin sạc Lithium 18v (Li-ion)
Pin sạc Lithium 22.2v, 24v, 48v PIN SẠC LITHIUM LI-POLYMER Pin tụ Lithium Capacitor
Pin sạc 3.7v Li-Polymer
Pin sạc 7.4v Li-Polymer
Pin sạc 11.1v Li-Polymer
Pin sạc 14.4v, 14.8v Li-Polymer
Pin sạc 18v-Li-Polymer
Pin sạc 22.2v Li-Polymer
Pin Máy bay-Trực thăng mô hình
Pin Bộ đàm Li-Polymer
Sạc Pin Lipolymer, USB sạc Lipo PIN TAI NGHE BLUETOOTH Pin Tai nghe BLUETOOTH
Pin tai nghe SONY
Pin tai nghe SOUNDMAX
Pin tai nghe BOSE
Pin tai nghe Bluetooth hiệu Varta
Pin tai nghe Bluetooth ZeniPower
Pin tai nghe Bluetooth MicPower
Pin iPOD, MP3,v,v...
Pin Apple Bluetooth Airpods PIN ĐỒ CHƠI, LOA, MICRO,CÂU CÁ Pin LOA JBL
Pin LOA công nghệ hãng khác
Pin Micro, Pin thiết bị Phim trường
Pin XE Mô hình, Pin XE Đồ chơi
Pin Máy bay-Trực thăng Mô hình
Pin ĐỒ CHƠI TRẺ EM các hãng
Pin Phao CÂU CÁ, Pin ĐÀI CÂU PIN REMOTE XE HƠI-REMOTE CỬA Pin Remote điều khiển Ôtô
Pin Remote điều khiển Xe máy
Pin Remote cửa A23, A27, A32
Pin định vị Xe, Pin bơm Ôtô
Pin điều khiển Tivi và Máy lạnh
Pin chuông cửa-Chuông báo động PIN MÁY TRỢ THÍNH, PIN ĐIẾC Pin trợ thính số 13, PR48
Pin trợ thính số 10, PR536
Pin trợ thính số A312, PR41
Pin trợ thính số 675, PR44
Pin trợ thính Renata
Pin trợ thính Maxell
Pin trợ thính Toshiba
Pin trợ thính Rayovac
Pin trợ thính Phonak
Pin trợ thính ReSound
Pin trợ thính PowerOne
Pin trợ thính Signia
Pin trợ thính ENGION
Pin trợ thính Nexcel PIN SẠC DỰ PHÒNG, PIN DI ĐỘNG Pin điện thoại di động iPHONE
Pin điện thoại di động SAMSUNG
Pin điện thoại di động NOKIA
Pin điện thoại di động OPPO
Pin sạc dự phòng HAMMER
Pin sạc dự phòng di động, thiết bị,.
Pin sạc dự phòng Ipad,Tablet,Laptop
Pin sạc dự phòng đề nổ máy Ôtô
Pin Cells Box sạc dự phòng PIN THIẾT BỊ CÔNG NGHỆ CAO Pin đầu phát wifi HUAWEI
Pin định vị GPS
Pin Thiết bị VIỄN THÔNG
Pin thiết bị Giáo dục, thí nghiệm
Pin đèn FLASH máy chụp ảnh chuyên nghiệp
Pin CAMERA Hành Trình
Pin Máy Quay FlyCam; Pin FLYCAM
Pin ĐÈN LED; Pin chuỗi đèn LED PIN THIẾT BỊ Y TẾ - Y KHOA Pin cho Bơm tiêm điện Y Khoa
Pin thiết bị NHÃN KHOA
Pin Huyết Áp,Tiểu đường,Nhiệt Kế
Pin MÁY THỞ y tế
Pin Máy chạy THẬN
Máy theo dõi trong Sản Khoa
Pin Máy đo Tim THAI (Doppler)
Pin máy đo điện tim Y Khoa
Pin máy khoan Y Tế
Pin máy X-quang Y Khoa
Pin máy hút Đờm (dịch) Y tế
Pin máy soi đáy mắt, máy soi tai
Pin máy Truyền dịch Y Tế
Pin máy Xét nghiệp y khoa
Pin máy Lấy mẫu Vi Sinh
Pin thiết bị Y Khoa - Y Tế khác,...
Pin Máy Phân tích KHÍ THẢI
Pin thiết bị Đo MÔI TRƯỜNG
Pin sạc Đèn Hầm Mỏ
Pin Thiết bị Tàu biển-Hàng Hải
Pin máy đo PHÓNG XẠ KẾ
Pin máy đo FLUKE
Pin xe nâng tay gắn cân
Pin Máy bắn Mục tiêu, Tốc độ
Pin máy đo Nồng độ Cồn
Pin máy đo Độ ẩm - Nhiệt độ
Pin máy Dò Tìm mối hàn
Pin Máy HÚT-THỔI công nghiệp
Pin thiết bị đo công nghiệp khác,.. PIN THIẾT BỊ ĐIỆN TỬ KHÁC Pin BƠM XE, Pin dụng cụ Bơm Xe
Pin MÁY CÀ THẺ, Pin máy ATM
Pin QUẠT Điện
Pin POS, Pin Quét Scan mã vạch
Pin bút Surface Pro 3, Microsoft
Pin Bút cảm ứng Ipad, Smartphone,..
Pin máy tính Casio,Texas,Vinacal,.
Pin thuốc lá điện tử, Pin Vape
Pin đồng hồ thông minh SmartWatch
Pin cân điện tử, Pin kính 3D
Pin Ống nhòm, Pin chuột vi tính
Pin Bàn chải-Máy đánh răng
Pin Máy tăm nước
Pin máy CẠO RÂU
Pin TÔNG ĐƠ cắt tóc
Pin thiết bị chăm sóc bảo vệ thú yêu
Pin Thiết bị Huấn Luyện,..
Pin roi điện, Pin dụng cụ tự vệ
Pin Bếp Gas, Pin Nồi Cơm Điện
Pin đồng hồ treo tường
Pin dung cụ căng dây đàn
Pin MASSAGE, Máy SƠN MÓNG Pin iROBOT; PIN MÁY HÚT BỤI Pin iROBOT hút bụi lau nhà
Pin MÁY HÚT BỤI các hãng
Pin iRobot-Máy hút bụi 4.8v
Pin iRobot-Máy hút bụi 7.2v
Pin iRobot-Máy hút bụi 8.4v
Pin iRobot-Máy hút bụi 9.6v
Pin iRobot-Máy hút bụi 10.8v
Pin iRobot-Máy hút bụi 12v
Pin iRobot-Máy hút bụi 14.4v
Pin iRobot-Máy hút bụi 18v
Pin iRobot-Máy hút bụi 19.2v
Pin iRobot-Máy hút bụi 24v
Pin Máy ảnh KTS 1,2v và 1,5v
Pin Máy ảnh KTS 3.0v và 6.0v
Pin Máy ảnh KTS NiMh 3,6v đến 12v
Pin đèn Flash máy chụp ảnh
Pin đo sáng máy ảnh chụp phim PIN ĐIỆN THOẠI BÀN KHÔNG DÂY Pin sạc điện thoại bàn 1,2v
Pin sạc điện thoại bàn 2,4v
Pin sạc điện thoại bàn 3,6v
Pin điện thoại bàn PANASONIC
Pin điện thoại bàn UNIDEN
Pin điện thoại bàn VIETTEL
Pin điện thoại bàn SONY
Pin điện thoại bàn VTECH
Pin điện thoại bàn SHARPS
Pin điện thoại bàn SIEMENS
Pin điện thoại bàn GPhone Huawei
Pin điện thoại bàn CAMELION
Pin điện thoại cao cấp GREPOW
Pin điện thoại HUAWEI PIN BỘ ĐÀM-THAY PIN BỘ ĐÀM Đóng pin Bộ Đàm 3.6v, 4.8v, 6v, 7.2v
Pin Bộ Đàm Motorola và Icom
Pin Bộ Đàm Kenwood và Uniden
Pin bộ đàm Entel và bộ đàm Midland
Pin Bộ Đàm Yaesu và Vertex
Pin máy Bộ Đàm NPP-Controls
Pin Bộ Đàm các hãng khác,...
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm 3.7V, Pin đèn Sự cố khẩn cấp Lithium 3.7V
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm 1.2v, Pin đèn sự cố khẩn cấp 1.2v chất lượng cao
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm 2.4v, Pin đèn sự cố khẩn cấp 2.4v chất lượng cao
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm 3.6v, Pin đèn sự cố khẩn cấp 3.6v chất lượng cao
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm 4.8v, Pin đèn sự cố khẩn cấp 4.8v chất lượng cao
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm 6V, Pin đèn sự cố khẩn cấp 6V chất lượng cao
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm 7.2v, Pin đèn sự cố khẩn cấp 7.2v chất lượng cao
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm 9.6v, Pin đèn sự cố khẩn cấp 9.6v chất lượng cao
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm 12V, Pin đèn sự cố khẩn cấp 12V chất lượng cao
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm 14.4v, Pin đèn sự cố khẩn cấp 14.4v chất lượng cao
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm 24V, Pin đèn sự cố khẩn cấp 24V chất lượng cao
Pin đèn Exit-Cyclon Seal Lead Acid
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm PARAGON, Pin đèn sự cố khẩn cấp PARAGON
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm KENTOM, Pin đèn sự cố khẩn cấp KENTOM
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm DUHAL, Pin đèn sự cố khẩn cấp DUHAL
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm MẮT MÈO, Pin đèn sự cố khẩn cấp MẮT CÁO
Pin đèn Exit thoát hiểm - Sự cố Khẩn cấp /Vỏ trắng-chất lượng không tốt bằng NiMH vỏ XANH PIN SẠC CÔNG NGHIỆP- PIN KHỐI Pin sạc khối 2.4v, Pin sạc 2.4v
Pin sạc khối 3.6v, Pin sạc 3.6v
Pin sạc khối 4.8v, Pin sạc 4.8v
Pin sạc khối 6.0v, Pin sạc 6.0v
Pin sạc khối 7.2v, Pin sạc 7.2v
Pin sạc khối 8.4v, Pin sạc 8.4v
Pin sạc khối 9.6v, Pin sạc 9.6v
Pin sạc khối 10.8v, Pin sạc 10.8v
Pin sạc khối 12v, Pin sạc 12v
Pin sạc khối 14.4v, Pin sạc 14.4v
Pin sạc khối 15.6v; Pin sạc 15.6v
Pin sạc khối 16.8v, Pin sạc 16.8v
Pin sạc khối 18v; Pin sạc 18v
Pin sạc khối 24v; Pin sạc 24v
Pin sạc khối 22.8v; Pin sạc 22.8v
Pin sạc khối 36v; Pin sạc 36v
Pin sạc khối Sanyo Cadnica
Pin sạc khối Eneloop
PIN XE ĐẠP ĐIỆN, XE ĐIỆN PIN SẠC CÔNG NGHIỆP-PIN CELL Pin Cell công nghiệp NiMH 1.2v (có gắn Zắc, chân thép)
Cell Pin công nghiệp 1.2v NiMH
Cell pin công nghiệp 1.2v Vỏ Giấy
Cell Pin công nghiệp NiMH AA, 2/3AA, 4/5AA, 1/3AA
Cell Pin công nghiệp NiMH AAA, 2/3AAA, 1/3AAA,..
Cell Pin công nghiệp NiMH SC, C, D, 4/5SC, 1/2D,..
Cell Pin công nghiệp NiMH A, 4/5A, 2/3A, 1/3A,..
Cell Pin công nghiệp NiMH 17670, 18670, 18650, 4/3AF, 7/5A,..
Cell Pin Lithium Li-Ion 3.7v
Pin EnerSys Cyclon SealedLead
Pin CADNICA, Pin sạc CADNICA PIN MÁY KHOAN-MÁY BẮT VÍT Nhận đóng Pin máy khoan, bắt vít
CELLS Pin Máy khoan-Bắt vít,..
Pin sạc máy khoan 4.8v
Pin sạc Máy khoan 7.2v
Pin sạc Máy khoan 9.6v
Pin sạc Máy khoan 10.8v
Pin sạc Máy khoan 12v
Pin sạc Máy khoan 13.2v
Pin sạc Máy khoan 14.4v
Pin sạc Máy khoan 18v
Pin sạc Máy khoan 24v
Pin sạc Máy khoan 36v
Pin máy khoan Bê Tông
Pin Máy khoan Bosch
Pin Máy khoan Ryobi
Pin Máy khoan Dewalt
Pin Máy khoan Craftsman
Pin Máy khoan Milwaukee
Pin Máy khoan bắt vít Makita
Pin Máy khoan Black & Decker
Pin Máy khoan Hitachi
Pin Máy khoan-bắt vít Panasonic
Pin Máy khoan National
Pin Máy bắt vít Ozito
Pin máy khoan bắt vít Melabo
Pin máy khoan bắt vít Stanley
Pin máy khoan MyJoy
Pin máy khoan JOBMATE
Pin Máy khoan FESTOOLS PIN MÁY TRẮC ĐỊA-ĐỊNH VỊ GPS Đóng khối Pin Máy Trắc Địa, GPS
Pin máy trắc địa Topcon
Pin máy trắc địa Leica
Pin máy định vị Trimble
Pin máy trắc địa South
Pin máy trắc địa Nikon
Pin máy trắc địa Sokkia
Pin máy trắc địa-định vị hãng khác,.. ĐÈN PIN SIÊU SÁNG NHẬP KHẨU RADIO PANASONIC
Đèn pin siêu sáng WASING
Đèn pin siêu sáng NITECORE
Đèn pin siêu sáng ULTRAFIRE
Đèn pin siêu sáng ENERGIZER
Đèn pin siêu sáng LED LENSER
Đèn pin siêu sáng POLICE
Đèn pin bóng Led PHILIPS
Đèn pin bóng Led TOSHIBA
Đèn pin siêu sáng MICKEY
Đèn pin siêu sáng ANSMANN
Đèn pin Đội đầu-Đọc sách-Đeo Cổ
Đèn pin MÓC KHÓA
Đèn pin Pha và Đèn pin sạc điện ZẮC CẮM PIN & PHỤ KIỆN PIN MẠCH SẠC BẢO VỆ PIN 18650
Adaptor, Doc sạc Pin trên xe hơi
HỘP ĐẾ PIN AA, Khay pin AA
HỘP ĐẾ PIN 18650, Khay pin 18650
Đế Pin CMOS CR2032, CR1220
Pin Alkaline AAA 1.5v
Pin Alkaline AAAA 1.5v
Pin Alkaline trung C 1.5v
Pin Alkaline đại D 1.5v
Pin Alkaline 9v (Pin vuông)
Hỗ trợ trực tuyến
(08) 6261 1504
0909 911 096
0903 352 340
Thống kê truy cập
   Trực tuyến : 506
   Truy cập trong ngày : 3191
   Tổng số truy cập : 31564212
Tìm kiếm    
Tekcell SB-AA11 (AA 2400mAh Lithium 3.6v Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
Tekcell SB-AA11 (AA 2400mAh Lithium 3.6v Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Tekcell SB-AA11 (AA 2400mAh Lithium 3.6v Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
Tekcell SB-AA11 (AA 2400mAh Lithium 3.6v Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

XENO XLP-060F (XLP-060F lithium 3.6v AA 2400mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
XENO XLP-060F (XLP-060F lithium 3.6v AA 2400mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

XENO XLP-060F (XLP-060F lithium 3.6v AA 2400mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
XENO XLP-060F (XLP-060F lithium 3.6v AA 2400mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

XENO XLP-060F (XLP-060F lithium 3.6v AA 2400mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
XENO XLP-060F (XLP-060F lithium 3.6v AA 2400mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Xeno XL-050F (XL-050F lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
Xeno XL-050F (XL-050F lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Xeno XL-050F (XL-050F lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
Xeno XL-050F (XL-050F lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Xeno XL-050F (XL-050F lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
Xeno XL-050F (XL-050F lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Sunmoon ER17335 (ER17335 lithium 3.6v 2/3A 2100mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
Sunmoon ER17335 (ER17335 lithium 3.6v 2/3A 2100mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Sunoom ER14250 (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Sunoom ER14250 (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Sunmoon ER14505 (ER14505 lithium 3.6v AA2600mAh Battery ) for PLC Memory Back-up
Sunmoon ER14505 (ER14505 lithium 3.6v AA2600mAh Battery ) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Sunoom ER14250 (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Sunoom ER14250 (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Sunmoon ER14250M (ER14250M lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery)
Sunmoon ER14250M (ER14250M lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery)

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Sunmoon ER34615M (ER34615m Lithium 3.6v D 13500mAh Battery)
Sunmoon ER34615M (ER34615m Lithium 3.6v D 13500mAh Battery)

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Sunmoon ER26500M (ER26500M Lithium 3.6v C 6000mAh Battery)
Sunmoon ER26500M (ER26500M Lithium 3.6v C 6000mAh Battery)

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Sunmoon ER14505M (ER14505M lithium 3.6v AA 1800mAh Battery)
Sunmoon ER14505M (ER14505M lithium 3.6v AA 1800mAh Battery)

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FDL CR14250SE-R (CR14250SE-R lithium 3v 1/2AA 950mAh Battery)
FDL CR14250SE-R  (CR14250SE-R lithium 3v 1/2AA 950mAh Battery)
Mã SP: CR14250SE-R

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FDK CR17335SE-R (CR17335SE-R lithium 3v 2/3A 1550mAh Battery)
FDK CR17335SE-R (CR17335SE-R lithium 3v 2/3A 1550mAh Battery)
Mã SP: CR17335SE-R

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FDK CR17450SE-R (CR17450-R lithium 3v 2200mAh Battery)
FDK CR17450SE-R (CR17450-R lithium 3v 2200mAh Battery)
Mã SP: CR17450SE-R

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FDK CR17450SE (CR17450 lithium 3v 2500mAh Battery)
FDK CR17450SE (CR17450 lithium 3v 2500mAh Battery)
Mã SP: CR17450SE

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Varta ML1220 ( ML1220 Lithium 3v Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany
Varta ML1220 ( ML1220 Lithium 3v Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Varta 7V/80H (NiMh 8.4v 80mAh Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany
Varta 7V/80H (NiMh 8.4v 80mAh Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Varta 3V/150H (NiMh 3.6v 150mAh Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany
Varta 3V/150H (NiMh 3.6v 150mAh Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany
Mã SP: VARTA 3V/150H

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Varta 3V/250H (NiMh 3.6v 250mAh Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany
Varta 3V/250H (NiMh 3.6v 250mAh Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany
Mã SP: VARTA 3V/250H

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Varta 3V/80H (NiMh 3.6v 80mAh Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany
Varta 3V/80H (NiMh 3.6v 80mAh Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Varta 3V/150H (NiMh 3.6v 150mAh Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany
Varta 3V/150H (NiMh 3.6v 150mAh Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany
Mã SP: VARTA 3V/150H

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Varta 3V/80H (NiMh 3.6v 80mAh Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany
Varta 3V/80H (NiMh 3.6v 80mAh Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Varta CR1/2AA (CR1/2AA CR14250 Lithium 3v with 950mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Varta CR1/2AA (CR1/2AA CR14250 Lithium 3v with 950mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Varta 3V/15H ( NiMh 3.6v 150mAh Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany
Varta 3V/15H ( NiMh 3.6v 150mAh Rechargeable Battery) _Made in Germany

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Varta CR1/2AA (CR1/2AA CR14250 Lithium 3v with 950mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Varta CR1/2AA (CR1/2AA CR14250 Lithium 3v with 950mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Varta CR1/2AA (CR1/2AA CR14250 Lithium 3v with 950mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Varta CR1/2AA (CR1/2AA CR14250 Lithium 3v with 950mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Varta CRAA (CRAA Lithium 3v with 2000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
Varta CRAA (CRAA Lithium 3v with 2000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Varta CRAA (CRAA Lithium 3v with 2000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
Varta CRAA (CRAA Lithium 3v with 2000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO ER14505H (ER14505 lithium 3.6v AA 2600mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
FANSO ER14505H (ER14505 lithium 3.6v AA 2600mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO ER14505H (ER14505 lithium 3.6v AA 2600mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
FANSO ER14505H (ER14505 lithium 3.6v AA 2600mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO ER14250H (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
FANSO ER14250H (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO ER14250H (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
FANSO ER14250H (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO 2CR5 (2CR5 lithium 6v 1500mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
FANSO 2CR5 (2CR5 lithium 6v 1500mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO CR-P2 (CR-P2 lithium 6v 1500mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
FANSO CR-P2 (CR-P2 lithium 6v 1500mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO CR123A (CR123A lithium 3v 2/3A 1500mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
FANSO CR123A (CR123A lithium 3v 2/3A 1500mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO CR17335E (CR17335 Lithium 3v 2/3A 1500mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
FANSO CR17335E (CR17335 Lithium 3v 2/3A 1500mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO ER17335M (ER17335 lithium 3.6v 2/3A 1700mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
FANSO ER17335M (ER17335 lithium 3.6v 2/3A 1700mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE CR2 (CR2, CR14250 lithium 3v 1/2AA 1000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE CR2 (CR2, CR14250 lithium 3v 1/2AA  1000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE ER17335 (ER17335 lithium 3v 2/3A 1500mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE ER17335 (ER17335 lithium 3v 2/3A 1500mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: EVE ER17335

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE CR123A (CR123A lithium 3v 2/3A 1500mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE CR123A (CR123A lithium 3v 2/3A 1500mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE CR17450 (CR17450 lithium 3v 4/5A 2200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE CR17450 (CR17450 lithium 3v 4/5A 2200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: EVE CR17450

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE ER34615 (ER34615 Lithium 3.6v D 190000mAh Battery )for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE ER34615 (ER34615 Lithium 3.6v D 190000mAh Battery )for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: EVE ER34615

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE ER18505 (ER18505 Lithium 3.6v 4000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE ER18505 (ER18505 Lithium 3.6v 4000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: EVE ER18505

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE ER26500 (ER26500 Lithium 3.6v C 8500mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE ER26500 (ER26500 Lithium 3.6v C 8500mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: EVE ER26500

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE ER17505 (ER17505 Lithium 3.6v A 3600mAh Battery ) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE ER17505 (ER17505 Lithium 3.6v A 3600mAh Battery ) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: EVE ER17505

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE ER14505 (ER14505 Lithium 3.6v AA 2600mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE ER14505 (ER14505 Lithium 3.6v AA 2600mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: EVE ER14505

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE ER14505 (ER14505 Lithium 3.6v AA 2600mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE ER14505 (ER14505 Lithium 3.6v AA 2600mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: EVE ER14505

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE ER14335 (ER14335 lithium 3.6v 2/3AA 1650mAh Battery ) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE ER14335 (ER14335 lithium 3.6v 2/3AA 1650mAh Battery ) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: EVE ER14335

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE ER14505 (ER14505 Lithium 3.6v AA 2600mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE ER14505 (ER14505 Lithium 3.6v AA 2600mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: EVE ER14505

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE ER14250 (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE ER14250 (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: EVE ER14250

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE ER14250 (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE ER14250 (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: EVE ER14250

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE ER14250 (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE ER14250 (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: EVE ER14250

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE ER32L100 (ER32L100 Lithium 3.6v 1/6D 1700mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE ER32L100 (ER32L100 Lithium 3.6v 1/6D 1700mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: EVE ER32L100

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

EVE ER32L65, TL-2134 (ER32L65 Lithium 3.6v 1/10D 1000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
EVE ER32L65, TL-2134 (ER32L65 Lithium 3.6v 1/10D 1000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: ER32L65, TL-2134

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Maxell ER6B Lithium 3.6v AA 1800mAh Battery Made in Japan
Maxell ER6B Lithium 3.6v AA 1800mAh Battery Made in Japan

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Maxell CR2450HR LIthium 3v Battery Made in Japan
Maxell CR2450HR LIthium 3v Battery Made in Japan

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Maxell CR17335 Lithium 3v size 2/3A Battery Made in Japan
Maxell CR17335 Lithium 3v size 2/3A Battery Made in Japan

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Maxell ER6 Lithium 3.6v size AA 2000mAh Made in Japan
Maxell ER6 Lithium 3.6v size AA 2000mAh Made in Japan

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Maxell 2CR17335A-WK17 Lithium 6v 1650mAh Made in Japan
Maxell 2CR17335A-WK17 Lithium 6v 1650mAh Made in Japan
Mã SP: MAXELL 2CR17335A-WK17

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Sonnecell SL-386 Lithium 3.6v Battery Made in Germany
Sonnecell SL-386 Lithium 3.6v Battery Made in Germany
Mã SP: SL-386

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Sonnecell SL-2780 Lithium 3.6v size D Battery Made in Germany
Sonnecell SL-2780 Lithium 3.6v size D Battery Made in Germany
Mã SP: SL-2780

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Sonnecell SL-561 Lithium 3.6v size 2/3AA Battery Made in Germany
Sonnecell SL-561 Lithium 3.6v size 2/3AA Battery Made in Germany
Mã SP: SL-561

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Sonnecell SL-761 lithium 3.6v size 2/3AA Battery Made in Germany
Sonnecell SL-761 lithium 3.6v size 2/3AA Battery Made in Germany
Mã SP: SL-761

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Panasonic VL-2330 Lithium 3v rechargeable Battery Made in Japan
Panasonic VL-2330 Lithium 3v rechargeable Battery Made in Japan
Mã SP: VL-2330

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Panasonic BR-AG Lithium 3v Battery Made in Japan
Panasonic BR-AG Lithium 3v Battery Made in Japan

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Panasonic VL-1220 Lithium 3v Rechargeable Battery Made in Japan
Panasonic VL-1220 Lithium 3v Rechargeable Battery Made in Japan
Mã SP: VL-1220

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Panasonic LR20.D XWA Alkaline 1.5v Battery Made in Belgium
Panasonic LR20.D XWA Alkaline 1.5v Battery Made in Belgium

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Panasonic BR-A LIthium 3v Battery Made in Japan
Panasonic BR-A LIthium 3v Battery Made in Japan

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Panasonic BR-C LIthium 3v size C 5000mAh Battery Made in Japan
Panasonic BR-C LIthium 3v size C 5000mAh Battery Made in Japan

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Panasonic CR1025 lithium 3v Battery Made in Indonesia
Panasonic CR1025 lithium 3v Battery Made in Indonesia
Mã SP: CR1025

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá 65.000 VNĐ

Panasonic BR-AGCF2W lithium 6v Battery Made in Japan
Panasonic BR-AGCF2W lithium 6v Battery Made in Japan

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Panasonic BR-2450A Lithium 3v Battery Made in japan
Panasonic BR-2450A Lithium 3v Battery Made in japan
Mã SP: BR-2450A

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Pin Panasonic BR-AG lithium 3v Battery Made in Japan
Pin Panasonic BR-AG lithium 3v Battery Made in Japan

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Panasonic BR-2330 LIthium 3v Battery Made in Indonesia
Panasonic BR-2330 LIthium 3v Battery Made in Indonesia
Mã SP: BR-2330

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Panasonic BR-1225A lithium 3v Battery Made in Indonesia
Panasonic BR-1225A lithium 3v Battery Made in Indonesia
Mã SP: BR-1225A

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Panasonic BR-2325 Lithium 3v Battery Made in Indonesia
Panasonic BR-2325 Lithium 3v Battery Made in Indonesia
Mã SP: BR-2325

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá 99.000 VNĐ

Panasonic BR1225 Lithium 3v Batttery Made in INdonesia
Panasonic BR1225 Lithium 3v Batttery Made in INdonesia
Mã SP: BR1225

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Panasonic BR-2/3AG Lithium 3v size 2/3A 1450mAh Made in Japan
Panasonic BR-2/3AG Lithium 3v size 2/3A 1450mAh Made in Japan
Mã SP: BR-2/3AG

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Panasonic CR1/3N (Fanuc AFP1081) Lithium 3v Made in Japan
Panasonic CR1/3N (Fanuc AFP1081) Lithium 3v Made in Japan
Mã SP: AFP1081

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO ER14250H (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
FANSO ER14250H (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: ER14250H

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO ER14505H (ER14505 lithium 3.6v AA 2600mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
FANSO ER14505H (ER14505 lithium 3.6v AA 2600mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
Mã SP: ER14505H

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO ER9V Lithium 9v 1200mAh Battery for PLC Memory Back-Up
FANSO ER9V Lithium 9v 1200mAh Battery for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO ER14250H (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
FANSO ER14250H (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: ER14250H

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO ER34615H Lithium 3.6v D 20 000mAh Battery for PLC Memory Back-Up
FANSO ER34615H Lithium 3.6v D 20 000mAh Battery for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: ER34615H

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO CR26500E Rechargeable Lithium 3v Battery for PLC Memory Back-Up
FANSO CR26500E Rechargeable Lithium 3v Battery for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: CR26500E

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO ER26500H Lithium 3.6v size C 9500mAh Battery for PLC Memory Back-Up
FANSO ER26500H Lithium 3.6v size C 9500mAh Battery for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: ER26500H

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

FANSO CR17450E lithium 3v size 4/5A Battery for PLC Memory Back-Up
FANSO CR17450E lithium 3v size 4/5A Battery for PLC Memory Back-Up
Mã SP: CR17450E

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Sunmoon ER18505 (ER18505 lithium 3.6v 4000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
Sunmoon ER18505 (ER18505 lithium 3.6v 4000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Sunmoon ER34615 (ER34615 Lithium 3.6v D 19000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
Sunmoon ER34615 (ER34615 Lithium 3.6v D 19000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Sunmoon ER14505 (ER14505 lithium 3.6v AA2600mAh Battery ) for PLC Memory Back-up
Sunmoon ER14505 (ER14505 lithium 3.6v AA2600mAh Battery ) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Sunmoon ER18505 (ER18505 lithium 3.6v 4000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
Sunmoon ER18505 (ER18505 lithium 3.6v 4000mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Sunmoon ER26500 (ER26500 Lithium 3.6v C 9500mAh Battery ) for PLC Memory Back-up
Sunmoon ER26500 (ER26500 Lithium 3.6v C 9500mAh Battery ) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Sunoom ER14250 (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up
Sunoom ER14250 (ER14250 lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-Up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Allen Bradley AB1756-BA1 lithium memory backup battery
Allen Bradley AB1756-BA1 lithium memory backup battery
Mã SP: AB1756-BA1

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Allen Bradley AB 1609-500HBAT lithium memory backup battery for PLC
Allen Bradley AB 1609-500HBAT lithium memory backup battery for PLC
Mã SP: AB 1609-500HBAT

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Allen Bradley AB 1770-XZ lithium 3.6V memory backup battery for PLC
Allen Bradley AB 1770-XZ lithium 3.6V memory backup battery for PLC
Mã SP: AB 1770-XZ

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Allen Bradley COMPACTLOGIX L31 lithium moemory backup battery for PLC
Allen Bradley COMPACTLOGIX L31 lithium moemory backup battery for PLC

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Allen Bradley SER6CT-2WK lithium memory backup battery for PLC
Allen Bradley SER6CT-2WK lithium memory backup battery for PLC

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Allen Bradley AB 1770-XY lithium memory backup battery for PLC
Allen Bradley AB 1770-XY lithium memory backup battery for PLC
Mã SP: AB 1770-XY

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

aLLEN bRADLEY COMPACTLOGIX L35E lithium memory backup battery for PLC
aLLEN bRADLEY COMPACTLOGIX L35E lithium memory backup battery for PLC

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Allen Bradley AB 1769-BA lithium memory backup battery for PLC
Allen Bradley AB 1769-BA lithium memory backup battery for PLC
Mã SP: AB 1769-BA

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Allen Bradley AB 1747-BA lithium memory backup battery for PLC
Allen Bradley AB 1747-BA lithium memory backup battery for PLC
Mã SP: AB 1747-BA

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Siemens CPU S7-200 lithium battery for Siemens PLC
Siemens  CPU S7-200 lithium battery for Siemens PLC
Mã SP: CPU S7-200

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Siemens 6FC5247-0AA18-0AA0 lithium battery for Siemens PLC
Siemens 6FC5247-0AA18-0AA0 lithium battery for Siemens PLC
Mã SP: 6FC5247-0AA18-0AA0

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

SIEMENS SL305 lithium 3.6V battery for Siemens PLC
SIEMENS SL305 lithium 3.6V battery for Siemens PLC

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Siemens 6FC5247-0AA18-0AA0 lithium battery for Siemens PLC
Siemens 6FC5247-0AA18-0AA0 lithium battery for Siemens PLC
Mã SP: 6FC5247-0AA18-0AA0

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Siemens CPU S7-400 PLC battery size AA 2400mAh 3.6V
Siemens CPU S7-400 PLC battery size AA 2400mAh 3.6V
Mã SP: CPU S7-400

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Siemens 6EW1000-7AA lithium 3.6V battery for Siemens PLC
Siemens 6EW1000-7AA lithium 3.6V battery for Siemens PLC
Mã SP: 6EW1000-7AA

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

SIEMENS 6ES7971-0BA00 lithium battery for Siemens PLC
SIEMENS 6ES7971-0BA00 lithium battery for Siemens PLC
Mã SP: 6ES7971-0BA00

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Mitsubishi PLC battery C52011 lithium 3.6V size AA
Mitsubishi PLC battery C52011 lithium 3.6V size AA
Mã SP: C52011

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

MITSUBISHI F1, F2, FX , FX1 PLC lithium 3.6V battery for PLC
MITSUBISHI F1, F2, FX , FX1 PLC lithium 3.6V battery for PLC

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Mitsubishi PLC battery CR1,CR2,CR2A,CR3,M500,M60
Mitsubishi PLC battery CR1,CR2,CR2A,CR3,M500,M60
Mã SP: CR1,CR2,CR2A,CR3,M500,M600

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

MITSUBISHI MR-BAT6V1SET lithium battery for PLC
MITSUBISHI MR-BAT6V1SET lithium battery for PLC

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

MITSUBISHI ER6 B4D-11 BKO NC2151H16 00 battery for PLC-CNC
MITSUBISHI ER6 B4D-11 BKO NC2151H16 00 battery for PLC-CNC
Mã SP: NC2151H16 00

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Mitsubishi PLC battery FX3U-32BL lithium 3V for PLC-CNC
Mitsubishi PLC battery FX3U-32BL lithium 3V for PLC-CNC
Mã SP: FX3U-32BL

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Mitsubishi PLC battery PM-20BL size 1/2AA lithium 3,6V for PLC-CNC
Mitsubishi PLC battery PM-20BL size 1/2AA lithium 3,6V for PLC-CNC
Mã SP: PM-20BL

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Mitsubishi PLC battery FX2N-48MT size AA lithium 3.6V for PLC-CNC
Mitsubishi PLC battery FX2N-48MT size AA lithium 3.6V for PLC-CNC
Mã SP: FX2N-48MT

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Mitsubishi PLC ER6VC119B lithium 3,6V size AA battery for PLC-CNC
Mitsubishi PLC ER6VC119B lithium 3,6V size AA battery for PLC-CNC
Mã SP: ER6VC119B

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Mitsubishi Q7-BAT lithium3 V 5000mAh battery for PLC-CNC
Mitsubishi Q7-BAT lithium3 V 5000mAh battery for PLC-CNC

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Mitsubishi GT11-50BAT lithium 3V Battery for PLC-CNC
Mitsubishi GT11-50BAT lithium 3V Battery  for PLC-CNC
Mã SP: GT11-50BAT

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Mitsubishi V200H-3ME PLC lithium battery for PLC-CNC
Mitsubishi  V200H-3ME PLC lithium battery for PLC-CNC
Mã SP: V200H-3ME PLC Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

MITSUBISHI B9670MC lithium Battery for PLC-CNC
MITSUBISHI B9670MC lithium Battery for PLC-CNC
Mã SP: B9670MC

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Mitsubishi PLC Battery FX2NC-32BL size 2/3AAA 500mAh for PLC
Mitsubishi PLC Battery FX2NC-32BL size 2/3AAA 500mAh for PLC

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Mitsubishi EP73-BAT lithium 3,6V battery for PLC-CNC
Mitsubishi EP73-BAT lithium 3,6V battery for PLC-CNC

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Tekcell SB-C02 size C 8500mAh lithium 3,6V battery for PLC-CNC
Tekcell SB-C02 size C 8500mAh lithium 3,6V  battery for PLC-CNC
Mã SP: SB-C02

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Tekcell SB-D02 size D 190000mAh lithium 3,6V Battery for PLC-CNC
Tekcell SB-D02 size D 190000mAh lithium 3,6V Battery for PLC-CNC
Mã SP: SB-D02

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Tekcell SB-AA11 (AA 2400mAh Lithium 3.6v Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
Tekcell SB-AA11 (AA 2400mAh Lithium 3.6v Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

TEKCELL SB-AA02 size 1/2AA lithium 3,6V Battery for PLC-CNC
TEKCELL SB-AA02 size 1/2AA lithium 3,6V Battery for PLC-CNC
Mã SP: SB-AA02

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Xeno XL-050F (XL-050F lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up
Xeno  XL-050F (XL-050F lithium 3.6v 1/2AA 1200mAh  Battery) for PLC Memory Back-up

Shop's Address
1165 Tran Hung Dao Blvd
Ward 5, Dist 5
Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam

Open time: Monday to Saturday
Morning from  8:00AM - 11:45AM
Afternoon from  13:30PM to 17:20PM
Sunday and National's Holidays will Close 

We can delivery to Your Place with Shipping cost 
Please :
Call: 0903 352 340 or 0909 911 096
Tel : (028) 6261 1504

Email : 

Giá Liên hệ

Sonnecell SL-770 size C Lithium 3,6V Battery for PLC-CNC
Sonnecell SL-770 size C Lithium 3,6V Battery for PLC-CNC
Mã SP: SL-770

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Sonnecell SL-780 size D 16500mAh Lithium 3,6V Battery for PLC-CNC
Sonnecell SL-780 size D 16500mAh Lithium 3,6V Battery for PLC-CNC
Mã SP: SL-780

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

SONNECELL SL-350 size 1/2AA Lithium 3,6V Battery for PLC-CNC
SONNECELL SL-350 size 1/2AA Lithium 3,6V Battery for PLC-CNC
Mã SP: SL-350

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

SONNECELL SL-360 lithium 3,6V size AA for PLC-CNC
SONNECELL SL-360 lithium 3,6V size AA for PLC-CNC
Mã SP: SL-360

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Sanyo CR1/3A Lithium 3V Battery for PLC-CNC | In stock now
Sanyo CR1/3A Lithium 3V Battery for PLC-CNC | In stock now

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Sanyo Cadnica 12N-1700SCK NIMH/NICD Recharge Battery
Sanyo Cadnica 12N-1700SCK NIMH/NICD Recharge Battery

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Sanyo CR14250SE Lithium 3V Battery for PLC-CNC | In stock now
Sanyo CR14250SE Lithium 3V Battery for PLC-CNC | In stock now

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

Maxell ER17/50 Lithium 3.6V Battery for PLC-CNC | In stock now
Maxell ER17/50 Lithium 3.6V Battery for PLC-CNC | In stock now

Shop at : 1165 Tran Hung Dao A Street, Ward 5

Dist 5, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Open time : 

From Monday to Saturday 

and at 8:00 -12:00, 13:30-17:30


Can delivery to home with Shipping cost & Fees . 
Order call : (028) 6261 1504-0909 911 096 - 0903 352 340
Zalo : 0903 352 340

Giá Liên hệ

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